Kevin Rose Is Competing With His Own Investment
Nitasha Tiku · 09/19/14 03:35PM
On September 4th, Kevin Rose, the Digg founder turned partner at Google Ventures, sent out a series of texts to the folks who were beta testing his new photo-sharing app, Tiiny. People were curious about the similarities between Tiiny and another photo-sharing app, Cap, made by Rose's protege Danny Trinh.
TechCrunch Takes Brave Stand Against Sexism Towards Men
Sam Biddle · 09/18/14 04:14PMJared Leto Charms Tech's Sycophant Army
Kevin Montgomery · 09/04/14 12:45PMTechCrunch's Revolving Door Keeps Spinning
Sam Biddle · 08/25/14 12:25PMTechCrunch contributor Billy Gallagher is the latest writer for the site to make the jump into venture capital. Only this time, Gallagher is going to continue writing for the site, despite a conflict of interest so large it can be viewed from space.
Even Tech Bloggers Hate Themselves
Nitasha Tiku · 07/15/14 01:40PMTechCrunch Rolls Over For Tinder CEO Sean Rad
Kevin Montgomery · 07/09/14 08:30PM
Tinder's sexual harassment lawsuit hasn't even gone to trial yet, but TechCrunch already thinks it's a bunch of bullshit. Earlier today, tech's favorite mouthpiece published an investigation into Whitney Wolfe's lawsuit that was highly sympathetic towards her former employer. An hour later, TechCrunch announced Tinder CEO Sean Rad would be speaking at their conference in September. Hmm.
HBO's Version of TechCrunch Disrupt Was Better Than the Real Thing
Nitasha Tiku · 05/19/14 10:45AMLet's talk about last night's episode of Silicon Valley, which was staged at TechCrunch Disrupt in San Francisco. In real life, the annual conference is an island of lost startups where aspirants scramble for attention while the anointed tell tales of world change and global impact, signifying nothing (because they're told by the makers of project management software).
Why Does TechCrunch Let Its Reporters Work for Startups?
Sam Biddle · 05/14/14 11:47AMThe Lost Children of TechCrunch Disrupt
Sam Biddle · 05/10/14 05:09PM
The biannual TechCrunch Disrupt conference series is only about money. There are interviews, the exchange of opinions, software presentations, questions, answers, and lots of visuals. But the entire production is a pyramid of money, at the bottom of which are the residents of Disrupt's "Startup Alley," a completely perfect metaphor.