TechCrunch Forced to Reconsider Its Own Existence for 60 Seconds

As a preamble to this week's Disrupt conference in New York, TechCrunch is hosting a "hackathon"—one of those dire geek sweatshops wherein coders create small snippets of ideas, and then hawk them before people with money. It's sort of like speed dating meets department store liquidation sale. But one chose to use his time to basically tell everyone to fuck off.
When Todd Bonnewell took the stage, he didn't have a "hack" to present. Unlike his peers, he wasn't about to demo a way to quickly print out pages from Pinterest, or sort Dairy Queens by Foursquare traffic. Instead, he asked, simply, “Do we really need a new way to share our shit?”
(No, usually not)
Bonnewell proposed that instead of giving giant corporations our personal data in exchange for them becoming rich, we should cut them off, allowing them to "shrivel and die"—and some in the audience hooted in approval. Bravo to TC for not tackling Bonnewell before he could finish, putting a black bag over his head, and sending him off to some VC rendition site—the crew gave him a chance to speak. After he was done, the desperate procession continued.