Yahoo! Is Throwing a 90s Garage Sale

At this point, the Yahoo's financials are still propped up by a shrewd Chinese investment and the traffic of uncles who can't change their bookmarks. So until the company reinvents itself as an advertising firm, it'll have to make do selling old crap it found lying around.

going domain rummage sale, where you can pick up winners like "" and throwback gems like "" or "" Any of these would be perfect for a doomed dot-com company, and can be yours today for tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars:
When you're a company that's been around as long as Yahoo, there are lots of fun things that you stumble across. This year, we found a huge list of domain names that the company has owned for quite some time.
As we discussed what to do with them, it became obvious that it was time to set them free…back into the wild of the Internet. Surely, creative people, businesses and entrepreneurs could come up with something great to do with them. They could even spark some brand new ideas or companies.
Brand new ideas or companies that Marissa Mayer can then go back and acquire for millions of dollars, perhaps. The circle of life.