Just How Powerful Is Square?

Square's selfie auteur Jack Dorsey just unveiled a new cash register stand that ought to be very helpful for tech-savvy small business people. But what's essentially a plastic case for an iPad was enough to draw a crowd SF tech reporters at 8 am.
The Square Stand is a more formal way of replacing a brick and mortar cash register with an app—it has a built in card reader, and will look handsome on a store counter. But Dorsey didn't have much else to show except for that white stand, besides the box it comes in. Still, reporters from tech media mainstays sat patiently, early in the morning, and watched Jack present what could've easily been packaged in an email press release and YouTube video. There even is a YouTube video.
Media awaits Square announcement twitter.com/jguynn/status/…
— Jessica Guynn (@jguynn) May 14, 2013
But why do that when you can hold an IRL event and have reporters tweeting about you? Serious media sway looks even better than a pearly Square Stand.