Dave Morin's Existential Crisis Is Playing Out on Twitter
Nitasha Tiku · 08/04/14 02:00PM
In past six weeks former Facebook mafioso Dave Morin has changed his Twitter bio at least three times. Three versions of his mini memoir—"Small town guy," "Small town guy from Montana," and "Entrepreneur & Investor"—omitted any mention of Path, the struggling social networking startup that has raised $77 million in funding.
Jack Dorsey Insists He's "Still a Punk"
Kevin Montgomery · 06/09/14 02:00PMTwitter Employee Disses Twitter Cofounder Jack Dorsey on Twitter
Nitasha Tiku · 03/03/14 01:32PMYour Sexiest Bachelors of '14 Include Three Silicon Valley Sociopaths
Sam Biddle · 01/17/14 01:25PM
I understand why Town & Country shoehorned three techies into their "Sexiest Bachelors 2014" list. If coders are the new bankers, and bankers were the new imperial vassal lords (or something), it fits. To a regressive glossy, powerful parvenues are the best bachelors—but try not picking the creepiest in Startupland.
Jack Dorsey: Cash Register Receipts Are a New "Publishing Medium"
Sam Biddle · 01/15/14 01:09PMSam Biddle · 12/23/13 03:07PM
Another Secret Twitter Investor: This Conniving Millionaire Mom
Nitasha Tiku · 12/02/13 12:15PMOne IPO Is Not Enough for Jack Dorsey
Nitasha Tiku · 11/06/13 05:35PMThe Deleted Web Poetry of Jack Dorsey
Sam Biddle · 10/14/13 02:38PM
Soon, 36-year-old Jack Dorsey will be the chairman of a publicly traded Twitter, and worth hundreds of millions of dollars. A decade prior, before screwing his friends and changing the internet, he was JakDaemon: a moody young man in St. Louis, desperate to share his beauty with the world. Here's his archive.
Jack Dorsey Screwed His Friends at Twitter
Sam Biddle · 10/09/13 09:18AMNitasha Tiku · 07/18/13 12:32PM
Twitter Founder Jack Dorsey Is Currently Standing Atop the Bay Bridge
Sam Biddle · 06/04/13 12:38PMNow, Your Obligatory Jack Dorsey/Sean Parker Wedding Crossover Selfie
Sam Biddle · 06/03/13 08:34PMNitasha Tiku · 05/28/13 03:51PM

Jack Dorsey recycles, at least when it comes to his dating life. The serial minimalist recently RT'd a picture of himself on a date in Tokyo with Kate Greer, a former intern of Julia Allison, who previously accompanied Dorsey to red carpet events in NYC, years before he was caught starboard modelizing in St. Barts.