Mark Zuckerberg Partners with Right Wing Christian Homophobes, the Facebook-backed lobbying group, is no stranger to unlikely political alliances—in fact, it's reached so far into Washington's conservative corners, some prominent members jumped ship. Teaming up with religious bigots probably won't help.
Next week, a coalition of religious and business interest groups will convene in DC to push immigration reform—the sort Zuck and have been cheerleading all along. The confab is called "Americans for Reform," and includes a host of big-time corporate sponsors (Wal-Mart, Microsoft) and high-conservative participants: the National Association of Evangelicals, The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, Liberty Counsel Action, and National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, among many others. Pushing for bipartisan support for comprehensive immigration reform is swell—but this places Zuck and his tech tycoon friends squarely in the same corner as some of the most virulent homophobes in American politics.
We're excited to join @BBBimmigration, @USChamber, @FWD_us & 400+ leaders next week in DC for! #Ready4Refom
— Renew Our Economy (@renewoureconomy) October 24, 2013 is listed as a "host" for these groups when they arrive in Washington to lobby congress.
I'd love to know if or Zuckerberg are familiar with these comments by their new partners:
In bold action that defends truth with civility, the NHCLC Board, comprised of Hispanic Denominational leaders, Mega-church pastors, prominent ministry and organizational leaders, is calling its 40,118 churches to a 40 day fast beginning June 1, 2012 to pray for righteousness and favor in defense of God's institution of marriage. The NHCLC Board has also announced a Father's Day event called "Celebrating God's Plan for Marriage Sunday." Sermon notes and illustrations will be provided and Pastors will read a declaration affirming a commitment to this sacred institution.
"First and foremost, a homosexual person simply does not exist. Homosexuality should be considered as an adjective—a behavior—and not as a noun or label defining a person."
"We commend Southern Baptist efforts to engage in loving, redemptive ministry to homosexuals and encourage all Southern Baptists to consider how they might assist those struggling against same-sex attractions to find spiritual, sexual, and emotional wholeness in Christ."
- Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission
"Harvey Milk was demonstrably, categorically an evil man based on his rape of teenage boys."
- Liberty Counsel Action
Treating different things differently is not unjust discrimination. Marriage can only be between a man and a woman. There's nothing else like it.
- United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
A representative didn't return multiple requests for a comment on the Americans for Reform partnerships—we can only assume this is the extent Zuck will go to secure the immigration policy he wants. So when will Silicon Valley come out as Republican?
Photo of Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook employees at a Pride Day parade, via Facebook