Alienation and Stress: What It's Like to Be Black and Female at Google
Kevin Montgomery · 11/05/14 03:50PM
We already know tech's diversity reports are dismal. Now a black female engineer who works at Google adds a narrative to the corporate numbers that are so easy to dismiss. In eight years at the company, she has cycled through harassment, isolation, being passed over for promotions, and surrendering her identity to fit in.
Kevin Montgomery · 11/03/14 04:30PM
Amazon has joined the chorus of companies releasing diversity statistics. Their report, released Halloween day, reveals that 63 percent of their workers are male and 40 percent are racial minorities. But Rainbow PUSH says Amazon was "intentionally deceptive," as they padded numbers with warehouse employees.
Pinterest Engineer Describes Isolation of Being Black In Silicon Valley
Nitasha Tiku · 10/30/14 06:00PM
USA Today interviewed Justin Edmund, an early employee at Pinterest. The 24-year-old engineer first caught Silicon Valley's attention with a candid personal essay about growing up black, where he said he had "not seen a single technology leader," besides Jack Dorsey "acknowledge the crisis in Ferguson. And why would they bother?"
Google Workshops Explain Sexism to "Skeptical" Employees
Nitasha Tiku · 09/26/14 04:40PM
Google has been trying to build cars that drive without humans for longer than it's been trying to hire more women and minorities. But the company really knows its audience. Workshops at the center of its diversity initiative were specifically designed for one personality type: "a skeptical, scientifically minded Google employee," says the New York Times.
Groupon Sneaks Out Horrible Diversity Report Before Alibaba IPO
Kevin Montgomery · 09/19/14 12:49PM
Tech titans slowly began releasing their diversity numbers earlier this year as a well-intentioned conversation starter about the industry's troubling sameness. But as the disclosures pressed on, companies began burying their reports, hoping no one would notice how truly terrible their gender and racial breakdowns are. Why not? The tactic worked for Twitter.
Apple Store Guards Stage Sit-In Demanding Higher Wages
Kevin Montgomery · 08/28/14 04:15PMTwitter Headquarters Has Painted #Ferguson On Its Office Wall
Nitasha Tiku · 08/21/14 03:00PMPandora Reveals Most Promising Diversity Numbers Yet
Kevin Montgomery · 08/21/14 12:15PM
Pandora has become the latest Bay Area tech firm to disclose their diversity data. And of all the companies to release their numbers thus far, the pioneering music streaming and recommendation company is the first to reveal itself to be virtually equal parts male and female, the Wall Street Journal reports.
After 38 Years In Business, Apple's Workforce Is Only 30 Percent Female
Kevin Montgomery · 08/12/14 01:00PMNitasha Tiku · 08/04/14 02:58PM
Sam Biddle · 08/01/14 09:55AM
Twitter Buries Pathetic Diversity Numbers Behind Facebook News
Kevin Montgomery · 07/23/14 04:45PMTwitter Won't Disclose Their Diversity Numbers
Kevin Montgomery · 06/27/14 01:38PM
Silicon Valley famously spent years refusing to talk about its diversity problem. But in the last month, some of the nation's biggest tech companies became more transparent about their demographics: Google, Facebook, Yahoo—even LinkedIn—all released diversity reports. However, Twitter is refusing to get with the times.
Google Drops I/O Ticket Prices for Top Female Coders to Fix Diversity
Kevin Montgomery · 06/23/14 07:27PMYahoo's Diversity Record Is Almost as Bad as Google's
Nitasha Tiku · 06/17/14 06:00PMGamestop's Only Female Executive Is Fictional
Nitasha Tiku · 04/22/14 05:14PMYou Won't Believe What Upworthy's Cofounder Overheard Today
Nitasha Tiku · 02/14/14 06:30PMBlack Twitter FINALLY Gets Recognized ... So Twitter Can Sell Ads
Nitasha Tiku · 01/21/14 12:05PM
Last July describing the cultural impact of Black Twitter, Buzzfeed's Shani O. Hilton wrote, "It's diffuse, powerful, and all around you." That's the kind of active, influential user base that startups dream of. But we've barely heard a peep about it from Twitter. Now that it needs ad revenue, that's changing.