After initially dragging their feet, Twitter has finally released their diversity numbers, one minute before the industry's biggest financial news. It's easy to see why: the company is just as lily white as every other big tech player.

The report was released in a blog post titled "Building a Twitter we can be proud of." Twitter writes that they "are joining some peer companies by sharing our ethnic and gender diversity data." They also join their peers in mostly looking the exact same. In fact, Twitter has one of the worst gender breakdowns in Silicon Valley. Facebook's workforce is 69 percent male and Yahoo sits at 62 percent. Only Google matches Twitter's 70 percent male staff.

But Twitter's male-heavy statistics is only made worse by their ethnic breakdown:

Twitter's 2 percent black workforce is pitifully low. And yet, 2 percent is the norm across every single Silicon Valley giant that has released its numbers. Similarly low numbers are seen across Silicon Valley for Hispanic and Latino workers, despite California being home to one of the nation's largest Hispanic and Latino populations.

Their numbers show, yet again, that the odds are stacked against you in Silicon Valley if you weren't born white or Asian. Fortunately, Twitter is on it.

At Twitter, we have a goal to reach every person on the planet. We believe that goal is more attainable with a team that understands and represents different cultures and backgrounds.

We also know that it makes good business sense to be more diverse as a workforce – research shows that more diverse teams make better decisions, and companies with women in leadership roles produce better financial results. But we want to be more than a good business; we want to be a business that we are proud of.

It's also "moral" to have a workforce that's representative of the overall population. Yet, to Twitter, the bottom line is number one.

To Twitter's credit, they have made motions to address the problem. In their diversity report, they outline the organizations they partner with to bring more, including Girl Geek Dinners and sf.girls. But Twitter says it best: "we have a lot of work to do."