Lena Dunham's Publicity Tour of Silicon Valley
Nitasha Tiku · 02/14/14 04:20PMOh Hey, Half the PRISM Slideshow Just Joined Anti-Surveillance Day
Nitasha Tiku · 02/11/14 05:04PMNitasha Tiku · 02/10/14 03:04PM
Happy Belated Birthday, Facebook: Here's a Drunk Mark Zuckerberg
Sam Biddle · 02/05/14 06:20PMTech CEOs Have Gotten Much Better at Seeming Normal
Nitasha Tiku · 02/04/14 04:30PMMark Zuckerberg Is Making Fucking Insane Money This Year
Sam Biddle · 02/03/14 01:15PMAll The Dumb Things Facebook Wants Celebs to Post for the Super Bowl
Nitasha Tiku · 01/31/14 02:45PMNitasha Tiku · 01/31/14 12:00PM
Zuckerberg Will Write Thank You Notes for Moving Fast, Breaking Things
Nitasha Tiku · 01/30/14 02:15PMNitasha Tiku · 01/29/14 06:12PM
Today's News, Brought to You By Tech Giants
Nitasha Tiku · 01/29/14 03:15PMPassive-Aggressive Facebook Post Tells Princeton To Fuck Off
Nitasha Tiku · 01/23/14 06:00PMNitasha Tiku · 01/23/14 10:10AM
Sheryl Sandberg Is a New Billionaire
Sam Biddle · 01/22/14 01:46PMProtestors Blockade Private Tech Buses
Sam Biddle · 01/21/14 12:50PMFacebook Buys Branch for $15 Million
Sam Biddle · 01/13/14 09:35AMFour Lies Mark Zuckerberg Tells Himself
Nitasha Tiku · 01/06/14 11:15AMFacebook Candidate Uses Awesome Power of Internet, Pulls 146 Donations
Nitasha Tiku · 12/31/13 04:00PM
The best laid schemes of Facebook cofounders often go awry. Chris Hughes had hoped a $2 million home in largely working class Ulster County—not to mention his facility with those game-changing ways of social media—would help his husband Sean Eldridge win a Congressional seat. But according to Eldridge's fundraising emails, the latest attempt to capitalize on his campaign's "incredible momentum" has garnered fewer than 150 online donations in three days.
Senate Says Facebook Data Brokers "Operate Under a Veil of Secrecy"
Nitasha Tiku · 12/19/13 05:55PM
Yesterday, during a Senate commerce committee meeting about data brokers—which make $156 billion tracking and selling your personal information—Senator Jay Rockefeller released the damning results of a year-long investigation. "I think it's a dark underside of American life, in which people make a lot of money and cause people to suffer even more."