Big Egos Will Doom Startups to "Mass Extinction"
Nitasha Tiku · 05/19/14 11:45AMThomas Friedman Visited Silicon Valley and Is Wrong About Everything
Sam Biddle · 02/17/14 11:43AM
The first line in town idiot Thomas Friedman's latest column is maybe the most stupid part: "The most striking thing about visiting Silicon Valley these days is how many creative ideas you can hear in just 48 hours." These are exciting times, and our nation's foremost public intellectual blowhard is on it.
Startup Music Video Will Make You Glad You Stayed in School
Sam Biddle · 10/29/13 02:41PMParody routines like this are usually a bad idea outside of talent shows for kids, but what's the Valley life for if not perpetuating childhoods? Making money, of course—and what better source material than the anti-materialism anthem "Royals"?
How to Evaluate a Potential Startup CEO
Chris Mohney · 08/28/13 02:32PMAnti-Foreigner VC Also Supports Hiring Discrimination
Sam Biddle · 08/28/13 11:24AMThere Are Officially Too Many Ideas
Sam Biddle · 08/27/13 10:49AM
You can assume any given startup has a very good chance of dying. Maybe it's a bad idea—maybe it's a good idea with too much competition. But that doesn't stop everyone from trying, and trying, and now there are so many surplus startup ideas, there's a website dedicating to selling them at liquidation prices.
There Are Over 50 Instagram Ripoffs: The Stupid Startup Clone War
Sam Biddle · 06/19/13 03:58PM
One of life's grand injustices is that it's very hard to come up with an idea that's both original and good. Even harder to make money from it! But that's not stopping anyone from trying to cash in with a half-baked version of someone else's startup. Uber for nose jobs. Pandora for plants. Silicon Valley has a serious imagination problem.
Brit Bro: "Blowing over $20k on a startup is the best thing I’ve done"
Sam Biddle · 06/11/13 10:07AMThere's a Startup to Help People Make Startups
Sam Biddle · 06/10/13 12:01PMInvestor to Kids: "A startup job is the new office job"
Sam Biddle · 06/03/13 09:46AMThe Tragic, Crazed Emails of a Startup Cheerleader
Sam Biddle · 05/13/13 04:29PM
You don't know Roger Dickey's name, but you know his creation: Mafia Wars, that incredibly popular, spammy hybrid of virus and videogame once played by millions, that polluted your Facebook feed some years back. Now, he's got a new project on the way—a vague "dating coach" service—and it's already annoying people: its own employees.
There Are Too Many Companies Doing the Exact Same Thing
Sam Biddle · 05/08/13 07:17PMThank God, There's Another Way to Order Food Online
Sam Biddle · 05/07/13 12:06PMFred Wilson Says He Prefers to Invest in Startups that Sound Stupid
Sam Biddle · 04/26/13 03:46PMUnion Square Ventures chief Fred Wilson has some big notches on his bedpost: Tumblr, Twitter, and Zynga (cough). But if you look at USV's portfolio page, you'll see a lot of chaff. Bad ideas that will probably go nowhere. This is the case with most VC firms. But unlike most investors, Wilson actually tries to chase down laughable ideas. Suddenly it all makes sense.