Grow a Spine, Yahoo!
Sam Biddle · 01/24/14 06:18PM
For 20 minutes or so today, Gmail was unavailable, and a million corny tweets flitted in and out of white-collar attention spans. Among them was a short, subtle, teasing message from Yahoo!, ribbing its chief corporate competitor with a simple notice that "Gmail is temporarily unavailable" and a screenshot of an error message. Hours later, it apologized. This is pathetic.
Twitter Fires Hated Exec
Sam Biddle · 01/21/14 05:55PMBlack Twitter FINALLY Gets Recognized ... So Twitter Can Sell Ads
Nitasha Tiku · 01/21/14 12:05PM
Last July describing the cultural impact of Black Twitter, Buzzfeed's Shani O. Hilton wrote, "It's diffuse, powerful, and all around you." That's the kind of active, influential user base that startups dream of. But we've barely heard a peep about it from Twitter. Now that it needs ad revenue, that's changing.
Your Sexiest Bachelors of '14 Include Three Silicon Valley Sociopaths
Sam Biddle · 01/17/14 01:25PM
I understand why Town & Country shoehorned three techies into their "Sexiest Bachelors 2014" list. If coders are the new bankers, and bankers were the new imperial vassal lords (or something), it fits. To a regressive glossy, powerful parvenues are the best bachelors—but try not picking the creepiest in Startupland.
Wall Street Is Happily Blowing Twitter's Bubble
Sam Biddle · 12/30/13 11:29AMNitasha Tiku · 12/20/13 11:51AM
Sam Biddle · 12/18/13 12:54PM
Twitter Employees: Don't Talk About Your Neighbors This Way
Sam Biddle · 12/16/13 03:31PMNitasha Tiku · 12/13/13 03:01PM
Silicon Valley Kings Write Half-Assed Outrage Letter to NSA
Sam Biddle · 12/09/13 06:08PMTwitter Refused to Answer SEC Questions About the Profitability of Ads
Nitasha Tiku · 12/09/13 04:30PM
Late Friday afternoon Twitter released its "secret correspondence" with the Securities and Exchange Commission leading up to the IPO. The previously private documents show that the SEC had a lot of pressing questions about "slowing user growth and whether people were losing interest in viewing ads." But the company didn't always provide satisfactory answers.