
Twitter Updates Policies When It Knows No One's Paying Attention

Sam Biddle · 07/05/13 11:08AM

The newest updates to Twitter's "Developer Guidelines" have consequences for regular people, too. But it's likely that some of the pros who make our precious Twitter apps know what changed, because the company dropped its update late at night before the 4th of July.

Instagram Video Just Exposed The Terrible Side of Twitter

Nitasha Tiku · 06/21/13 03:14PM

What's your poison, Valleywag asked a Silicon Valley startup founder last night, Instagram's new Cinema feature or Vine? "Instagram for sure," he shot back. "Easier network effect. Faster gratification. Polished product and more expressive. Twitter has always had this problem with every product."

Twitter's Creator Just Perfected the Selfie

Sam Biddle · 04/30/13 11:48AM

Vine, previously known for ruining every medium of visual art, has reached new heights: an infinitely looping vision of its king, Jack Dorsey. Vanity has never looked so good—and this might be what actually makes Vine more than a niche novelty.

Twitter's Complete Guide to Not Being Hacked

Sam Biddle · 04/30/13 09:06AM

The microblogging service that's become a newsroom staple across the world is still missing stronger, two-step security offered by Google and Facebook. Security that would've stopped companies like Burger King or the AP from being hacked. In the meantime, we've been sent this memo:

The Weather Channel Is Torturing Its Interns with Twitter

Sam Biddle · 04/29/13 12:45PM

"Man, this unpaid internship sucks," you might say to yourself, "but at least I'm not stuck in a tornado." Tough nuts for these 'terns (click the video above), who are caught in a diabolical attempt at viral marketing: the more you tweet about The Weather Channel, the more violent winds will blow in their faces.

Zynga Is Clearly Paying Celebs to Pretend to Like Draw Something 2

Sam Biddle · 04/26/13 11:03AM

Zynga, cruising on the highway to BrokeVille, is banking on its newest ripoff of Pictionary to be as wildly popular as the first one. Banking so heavily, in fact, that the company is just shamelessly getting famous people to feign interest on Twitter. Ryan Seacrest: diehard iPhone artist.

Sam Biddle · 04/23/13 12:20PM

The AP's Twitter account was just hacked, almost certainly in the same fashion as Burger King and Jeep before it. All of this because Twitter still won't add simple two-step security like Facebook or GMail.

Sam Biddle · 04/23/13 10:51AM

Twitter has been slow and/or totally broken since this morning for many users—what the company is calling a "service issue." Meanwhile, the last tweet from the communications team is about the new music app.