Tech PR Dummies: Spend a Night in a Hotel Bar with Randi Zuckerberg

Public relations requires discipline, integrity, and like a game of idiot chess, rules. The first rule of public relations: a truly great product will always sell itself. The second rule of public relations: Randi Zuckerberg is always available.
The following press release found its way to us, as if conjured through divine magicks. It combines three of our favorite possible things: an expensive bar, Mark Zuckerberg's teen sister, and home appliances. See you there?
————— Forwarded message —————
From: LaFleur, Ali (NYC-DVR)
Date: Tuesday, July 8, 2014 Subject:
Invite: July 16 with P&G, Randi Zuckerberg and Kate Young @ Top of the Standard
I wanted to pass along the below invite to an event we're hosting at the Top of the Standard with celebrity stylist Kate Young, Randi Zuckerberg, P&G and Whirlpool on July 16. More information is below, but essentially P&G is unveiling a new device – which is set to change the way we care for our clothes. In just ten minutes your favorite garments – even those that can be hard to care for like denim or sweaters – will be ready to wear. It was also designed to fit seamlessly easily into a closet or bedroom so it's on-hand when you need it without competing with the design of the room.

We'd love for you to attend and hear more about Randi's involvement in the launch of this partnership. Let me know if you can make it!
At this rate of career acceleration, Randi Zuck will be selling candy bars on the subway in about four months.