Yahoo's the Latest Tech Company to Reveal Government Spy Numbers

I'm not sure how many of you still have Yahoo accounts that you actually remember the password for, but just in case, the company is on the heels of Apple, Facebook, and Microsoft with law enforcement disclosure figures.
For the period of December 1, 2012 and May 31, 2013—the same timeframe Apple uncovered—Yahoo received between "12,000 and 13,000" data requests from the government. It's unclear exactly how many accounts were targeted by these requests—the letter from CEO Marissa Mayer and Yahoo general counsel Ron Bell doesn't say. But the company does promise more disclosure down the line:
We will issue later this summer our first global law enforcement transparency report, which will cover the first half of the year. We will refresh this report with current statistics twice a year.
But how many tween foot fetish Tumblrs will be tapped for surveillance?