Marissa Mayer Acquires Vogue Photo Shoot

If Yahoo's determination to dump money on every faltering startup doesn't somehow save the company, at least CEO Marissa Mayer will have a souvenir from the good times.
We shouldn't be surprised that this is Mayer's second Vogue profile in four years—there are really only so many people in tech suitable for the high fashion puff piece:
"She has the same [cashmere jacket] in ivory, navy, black, hot pink, teal, red, and royal blue, and adds new colors every season. She was hoarse from a cold she picked up flying to New York and back, and it was eight-thirty in the evening, with hours’ more work ahead. But she burbled with excitement as she talked about her job. “I’m having the time of my life,” she told me.
When you can't really explain how you're going to turn around one of the most troubled outfits in the history of web business, there's only so much else to talk about.